The Process of Payday Loans

When it comes to the payday loan process, most of the emphasis is geared toward how quickly and easily you can get the money and the fact that credit reports are often not even a consideration in the loan process. Behind this propaganda are the clear facts about payday loans; they are quick, they are convenient, and they are expensive.

The interest rate of the payday loan is often the toughest part of the loan process to handle. The highest interest rates can reach more than 500% of the original loan amount. The consumer looking to gather funds for an emergency often takes this high interest rate simply due to the quick nature of the payday loan. You literally walk into the "store" and walk out in just a few moments with the money you so dearly need.

When that first payment is due, things are still often calm, cool and collected. It is not until the number of payments is calculated a few weeks after the loan process has taken place that the repayment total shocks and stuns the loan party. Paying back double, triple or quadruple the original loan amount is not unheard of is the payments are made according to the weekly or monthly schedule.

Payday loans are there for people to gather emergency monies when there is clearly no other avenue for the funds needed at that precise moment. These loans should remain short term and a onetime deal. If a second payday loan is taken out to pay for the first, the process will eventually get out of hand and the loan amount will grow to an amount that is beyond the amount the loan party can repay.

To rectify this situation, the name of the loan needs to be taken literally. The Payday Loan was meant to tide over a person or family financially until the next payday. If these loans are repaid in a lump sum the outrageous interest rates do not have time to build and the loan will then be affordable in terms of repayment.

Many people enter into a payday loan contract in order to assure financial means in an emergency situation. As long as these funds are repaid promptly, the payday loans are affordable and convenient. It is the payday loans that are paid back over the installment process that cost hundreds more than the original amount by the end of the loan.


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