Your Payday Loan and Other Secrets You Shouldn't Blurt Out at the Workplace

The Secrets You Should Keep

The workplace is snake pit. Trying to fit in is a defense mechanism but boy, you should know when to keep mum about your dirty little secrets. There is always a villain in the lot. It could be that cute secretary or the joker in the next cubicle. One word about your payday loan not going through, it will spill all over the workplace.

There are limits to what you should share with people in the office. You can tell them about your new baby, your gas bills, and what you think about the news but never the details of your payday loan. Here are the other things you should keep to yourself:

* The boss is an insensitive bloke
* You hate the boss
* You are planning to leave the office
* You have a new job waiting
* You're getting time off to watch the first game at the new Yankees Stadium
* Somebody is having an affair with somebody

Why You Shouldn't Tell Them Everything

When you remark on anything related to the office, even if said on jest, it will spread like wildfire and on it way to a larger audience, will be distorted. When you simply said that the boss is becoming a dictator, expect this statement to be delivered to the boss on a silver platter. This is just an example of what happens to everything you say.

Why shouldn't you blurt out what's in your heart? Here are the reasons why you should keep quiet:

* If the boss learns about your verbal attacks, you'll have more trouble coming your way. The boss can be vindictive.
* If you are planning to leave the office or have a job waiting, a replacement will soon be looked up and you'll land nowhere when things don't pan out.
* Leaking secret office romances earns you the ire of the subjects who find a way to strike back.
* People won't trust you with their secrets and you'll have no friends in the workplace.

What about your payday loan? Talking about your payday loan when you are just new in the workforce will suggest you are in a fix. People will dig deeper to find out why you are in trouble and need money - not that they care, but they want something to gossip about. One by one they'll peel away your personal layers and find out what you don't want revealed.

When you need a payday loan, do your research before you file a loan application. You will learn fast that lenders do not bother informing your employer that you are getting a loan. So why spill the beans?

Although there is nothing wrong with getting a payday loan, there are limits to what people should know about you. But if people ask help for a loan, you can recommend your lender but tell them you have heard they give quick loans payable until the next payday. But the moment you leak the news, people will drop by your cubicle to ask for more details. You're a hero, not a villain this time.


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